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Retreats & Services
for you to come back home to your peaceful, joyous Self
with Melanie DiPaola
Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master & Spiritual Guide
Founder of the Zen Collective

The Power of Pranayama
An Experiential Day Retreat
to learn & practice
the power of breath work.
This is open to anyone curious about ancient Yogic Practices, merged with modern science.
You will leave with simple practictal techniques, and this qualifies as a CE credit with YA.
June 6, 10:00-4:00pm
Zen on the River
Lewiston, NY

VIP Subscription
You will be treated to
Unlimited Yoga,
Special Events,
Discounts on Reiki,
and so much more!
Allow yourself to feel
the benefits of being a
Very Important Person!
Niagara Falls, ON
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